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Importer Mysql 2 Crack

  1. Mysql 2 Primary Key

4.5.5 mysqlimport — A Data Import ProgramThe client provides acommand-line interface to the SQL statement. Most options tocorrespond directly to clauses ofsyntax.

See.Invoke like this:shell mysqlimport options dbname textfile1 textfile2.For each text file named on the command line,strips any extension from thefile name and uses the result to determine the name of the tableinto which to import the file's contents. For example, filesnamed patient.txt,patient.text, andpatient all would be imported into a tablenamed patient.supports the following options,which can be specified on the command line or in themysqlimport and clientgroups of an option file.

For information about option filesused by MySQL programs, see.,-?Display a help message and exit.On a computer having multiple network interfaces, use thisoption to select which interface to use for connecting tothe MySQL server.The directory where character sets are installed. See.,-c columnlistThis option takes a list of comma-separated column names asits value. The order of the column names indicates how tomatch data file columns with table columns.,-CCompress all information sent between the client and theserver if possible. See.,-# debugoptionsWrite a debugging log. A typicaldebugoptions string isd:t:o, filename.The default is d:t:o.Print some debugging information when the program exits.Print debugging information and memory and CPU usagestatistics when the program exits.Use charsetname as the defaultcharacter set. See.A hint about which client-side authentication plugin to use.See.Read this option file after the global option file but (onUnix) before the user option file.

If the file does notexist or is otherwise inaccessible, an error occurs.filename is interpreted relativeto the current directory if given as a relative path namerather than a full path name.For additional information about this and other option-fileoptions, see.Use only the given option file. If the file does not existor is otherwise inaccessible, an error occurs.filename is interpreted relativeto the current directory if given as a relative path namerather than a full path name.Exception: Even with, clientprograms read.mylogin.cnf.For additional information about this and other option-fileoptions, see.Read not only the usual option groups, but also groups withthe usual names and a suffix ofstr. For example,normally reads theclient andmysqlimport groups. If theoption is given, also readsthe clientother andmysqlimportother groups.For additional information about this and other option-fileoptions, see.,-DEmpty the table before importing the text file.Enable the mysqlclearpassword cleartextauthentication plugin. (See.)This option was added in MySQL 5.7.10.,These options have the same meaning as the correspondingclauses for.

See.,-fIgnore errors. For example, if a table for a text file doesnot exist, continue processing any remaining files. Without,exits if a table does notexist.Request from the server the public key required for RSA keypair-based password exchange. This option applies to clientsthat authenticate with thecachingsha2password authenticationplugin. For that plugin, the server does not send the publickey unless requested. This option is ignored for accountsthat do not authenticate with that plugin.

Mysql 2 Primary Key

It is alsoignored if RSA-based password exchange is not used, as isthe case when the client connects to the server using asecure connection.Ifis given and specifies a valid public key file, it takesprecedence over.For information about thecachingsha2password plugin, see.Theoption was added in MySQL 5.7.23.,-h hostnameImport data to the MySQL server on the given host. Thedefault host is localhost.,-iSee the description for theoption.Ignore the first N lines of thedata file.This option has the same meaning as the corresponding clausefor. For example,to import Windows files that have lines terminated withcarriage return/linefeed pairs, use.(You might have to double the backslashes, depending on theescaping conventions of your command interpreter.) See.,-LBy default, files are read by the server on the server host.With this option, reads inputfiles locally on the client host. Enabling local dataloading also requires that the server permits it; see.,-lLock all tables for writing beforeprocessing any text files. This ensures that all tables aresynchronized on the server.Read options from the named login path in the.mylogin.cnf login path file. A“ login path” is an option group containingoptions that specify which MySQL server to connect to andwhich account to authenticate as. To create or modify alogin path file, use theutility.

See.For additional information about this and other option-fileoptions, see.Use LOWPRIORITY when loading the table.This affects only storage engines that use only table-levellocking (such as MyISAM,MEMORY, and MERGE).Do not read any option files. If program startup fails dueto reading unknown options from an option file,can beused to prevent them from being read.The exception is that the.mylogin.cnffile, if it exists, is read in all cases. This permitspasswords to be specified in a safer way than on the commandline even whenis used.(.mylogin.cnf is created by theutility. See.)For additional information about this and other option-fileoptions, see.,-p passwordThe password of the MySQL account used for connecting to theserver. The password value is optional. If not given,prompts for one. If given,there must be no space betweenor-p and the password following it.

If nopassword option is specified, the default is to send nopassword.Specifying a password on the command line should beconsidered insecure. To avoid giving the password on thecommand line, use an option file. See.To explicitly specify that there is no password and thatshould not prompt for one,use theoption.,-WOn Windows, connect to the server using a named pipe. Thisoption applies only if the server was started with thesystem variableenabled to support named-pipe connections. In addition, theuser making the connection must be a member of the Windowsgroup specified by thesystem variable.The directory in which to look for plugins. Specify thisoption if theoption isused to specify an authentication plugin butdoes not find it. See.,-P portnumFor TCP/IP connections, the port number to use.Print the program name and all options that it gets fromoption files.For additional information about this and other option-fileoptions, see.The connection protocol to use for connecting to the server.It is useful when the other connection parameters normallyresult in use of a protocol other than the one you want.

Fordetails on the permissible values, see.,-rThe andoptions controlhandling of input rows that duplicate existing rows onunique key values. If you specify, new rowsreplace existing rows that have the same unique key value.If you specify,input rows that duplicate an existing row on a unique keyvalue are skipped.

If you do not specify either option, anerror occurs when a duplicate key value is found, and therest of the text file is ignored.Do not send passwords to the server in old (pre-4.1) format.This prevents connections except for servers that use thenewer password format.As of MySQL 5.7.5, this option is deprecated and will beremoved in a future MySQL release. It is always enabled andattempting to disable it(,)produces an error.

Before MySQL 5.7.5, this option isenabled by default but can be disabled. NotePasswords that use the pre-4.1 hashing method are lesssecure than passwords that use the native password hashingmethod and should be avoided. Pre-4.1 passwords aredeprecated and support for them was removed in MySQL5.7.5.


For account upgrade instructions, see.The path name to a file containing a client-side copy of thepublic key required by the server for RSA key pair-basedpassword exchange. The file must be in PEM format. Thisoption applies to clients that authenticate with thesha256password orcachingsha2password authenticationplugin. This option is ignored for accounts that do notauthenticate with one of those plugins.


It is also ignoredif RSA-based password exchange is not used, as is the casewhen the client connects to the server using a secureconnection.Ifis given and specifies a valid public key file, it takesprecedence over.For sha256password, this option appliesonly if MySQL was built using OpenSSL.For information about the sha256passwordand cachingsha2password plugins, see, and.Theoption was added in MySQL 5.7.23.On Windows, the shared-memory name to use for connectionsmade using shared memory to a local server. The defaultvalue is MYSQL. The shared-memory name iscase-sensitive.This option applies only if the server was started with thesystemvariable enabled to support shared-memory connections.,-sSilent mode. Produce output only when errors occur.,-S pathFor connections to localhost, the Unixsocket file to use, or, on Windows, the name of the namedpipe to use.On Windows, this option applies only if the server wasstarted with thesystem variable enabled to support named-pipe connections.In addition, the user making the connection must be a memberof the Windows group specified by thesystem variable.-ssl.Options that begin withspecify whether toconnect to the server using SSL and indicate where to findSSL keys and certificates. See.The permissible TLS protocols for encrypted connections. Thevalue is a list of one or more comma-separated protocolnames.

The protocols that can be named for this optiondepend on the SSL library used to compile MySQL. Fordetails, see.This option was added in MySQL 5.7.10.,-u usernameThe user name of the MySQL account to use for connecting tothe server.Load files in parallel using Nthreads.,-vVerbose mode.

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